Build In Public
Development guides and tutorials on building delightful content experiences
Uncover the power of SSR in Remix! Improve performance, SEO, and user experience with this cutting-edge React framework that rivals Next.js. Dive into its unique features and benefits.
TypeScript enhances JavaScript by adding static types, but lacks runtime validation. Enter Zod: a schema declaration and validation library. Learn how to catch runtime data errors and ensure robustness in your TypeScript projects.
Discover how React Suspense in Next.js 15 brings elegance by simplifying loading states, reducing boilerplate, and enhancing the performance of your applications.
Next.js 15 promises speed with Turbopack and React 19 integration but faces ecosystem hurdles. Learn if it's the right move for your projects.
Struggling to choose between TypeScript and JavaScript? Our guide breaks down the pros and cons, offering clear insights and examples to help senior developers decide.
Keep your website secure by sanitizing HTML content! Learn why HTML sanitization matters and get tips on using the sanitize-html library to protect against XSS and code injection.
Build an API Endpoint in Next.js 15 using the latest route handler. See what's new and get code example to serve your API.
Transforming HTML into a Table of Contents (TOC) in React can be a complex task. This guide simplifies the process, enhancing both your site's SEO and user experience.
Explore SSR with Remix and TanStack Query in this article, focusing on setup, best practices, and real-world examples to boost SEO, enhance load times, and ensure smoother user interactions.
Next.js 15 brings Server Actions and API Routes into the spotlight. Dive into our comprehensive analysis to master these powerful tools and boost your app's performance and security!