Wisp CMS Blog

Blog written in Next.js 14 with page router, powered by Wisp CMS!

Suggesting Related Blog Post with AI Content Recommendation
Suggesting Related Blog Post with AI Content Recommendation

Introducing automatic related blog post suggestions. Explore the cutting-edge tech behind wisp's new content recommendation feature using OpenAI's embeddings.

05 July 2024
How I Use AI Agents to Send 1000 Personalized Email for Outreach
How I Use AI Agents to Send 1000 Personalized Email for Outreach

Imagine having an AI agent send 1,000 personalized emails in a day - with only 2 complaints! I made it reality. Read my experiment pushing the boundaries of what AI can do for business operations.

02 July 2024
Don't Just Publish Content, Use It to Unlock Industry Doors
Don't Just Publish Content, Use It to Unlock Industry Doors

Struggling to get industry leaders' attention? Discover the ingenious strategy one founder used to rapidly build relationships and credibility in a new space through a powerful publication approach. Game-changing insights for navigating any industry.

29 June 2024
The Generosity Advantage: How Giving Value Builds Trust and Drives Traffic
The Generosity Advantage: How Giving Value Builds Trust and Drives Traffic

Unlock the secret to building trust and driving traffic through online communities. Find out why holding back is holding you back, and how to fix it today.

27 June 2024
Juggling Multiple Blogs? wisp's Multi-Tenancy Feature Has Got You Covered
Juggling Multiple Blogs? wisp's Multi-Tenancy Feature Has Got You Covered

Juggling multiple blogs? Discover how wisp's multi-tenancy feature lets you manage diverse projects effortlessly. Learn from my experience running 4 blogs and see how it can streamline your workflow!

27 June 2024
The Content Marketing Myth: Why "Build It and They Will Come" Doesn't Work
The Content Marketing Myth: Why "Build It and They Will Come" Doesn't Work

Struggling with content that no one reads? Uncover the secrets to audience-centric writing that drives engagement and subtly promotes your product. A must-read!

27 June 2024
How to Get Your Blog Posts Indexed by Google Immediately
How to Get Your Blog Posts Indexed by Google Immediately

Frustrated by Google not finding your new blog posts? Discover the insider trick to get indexed immediately and start driving traffic to your content within minutes.

24 June 2024
Introducing Full-Text Search on Wisp CMS
Introducing Full-Text Search on Wisp CMS

Tired of complex search implementations? wisp's new Full-Text Search is here! Learn how this powerful feature can elevate your blog with minimal effort.

24 June 2024
Celebrating 100 Users: Journey and Future Plans
Celebrating 100 Users: Journey and Future Plans

My journey building wisp, lessons learned, and exciting plans ahead. Plus, exclusive pricing reveal for fellow makers and founders.

24 June 2024
Test Stripe Payments in Live Mode Without Transaction Fees
Test Stripe Payments in Live Mode Without Transaction Fees

Going live with Stripe payments? Ensure a flawless launch by testing in the real environment without any transaction costs. This guide shows you how!

18 June 2024
Protect Your Ad Spend: Exclude These Countries on Google Ads
Protect Your Ad Spend: Exclude These Countries on Google Ads

Stop throwing money away on useless traffic from India, Pakistan, and more. This guide reveals how to exclude problematic countries and laser-focus your Google Ads for maximum conversions.

10 June 2024
The Mind-Reading Pitch: How to Craft Sales Copy Directly from Your Audience's Thoughts
The Mind-Reading Pitch: How to Craft Sales Copy Directly from Your Audience's Thoughts

Sales pitches falling flat? Customers not connecting with your messaging? This guide reveals how to use your prospects' own words and experiences to create educational pitches that demonstrate total understanding. You'll craft copy so persuasive, they'll feel you plucked it from their brains.

03 June 2024
How to Exclude Fraudulent Traffic from India, Pakistan & Bangladesh in Performance Max Campaigns
How to Exclude Fraudulent Traffic from India, Pakistan & Bangladesh in Performance Max Campaigns

Sick of fake clicks from India, Pakistan & Bangladesh killing your Performance Max campaigns? This guide reveals how to shut out fraudulent traffic for good.

28 May 2024
How to Plug Your Product/Services with Comments on Reddit Without Breaking Self-Promotion Rules
How to Plug Your Product/Services with Comments on Reddit Without Breaking Self-Promotion Rules

Struggling to promote on Reddit without getting banned for spam? This guide shows you how to drive real business growth through authentic community participation - the right way.

27 May 2024
How to Use Reddit to Find Customers Without Breaking Self-Promotion Rules
How to Use Reddit to Find Customers Without Breaking Self-Promotion Rules

Reddit is a goldmine for connecting with your ideal customers - if you know how to tap into it correctly. This comprehensive guide shows you step-by-step how to leverage Reddit for marketing, while avoiding self-promotion penalties. From audience research to strategic ads, you'll learn to attract customers who are pre-sold on your expertise.z

26 May 2024
Stop Wasting Time on Tire-Kickers: Find Startups with Open Budgets
Stop Wasting Time on Tire-Kickers: Find Startups with Open Budgets

Tired of giving heartfelt product demos only for prospects to ghost you when it's time to pay up? This guide reveals how to systematically find and close funded startups who desperately need what you're selling.

26 May 2024
The First Customer Mindset: Overcoming the Biggest Hurdle
The First Customer Mindset: Overcoming the Biggest Hurdle

Struggling to get your first paying customer? This soul-crushing hurdle is the make-or-break moment. Overcome the fears, doubts and mental roadblocks with this guide. Discover how to validate your audience, leverage warm connections, persist through rejection, listen more than pitch, and exude humble confidence.

26 May 2024
How to Hack Reddit and Online Communities for Customers
How to Hack Reddit and Online Communities for Customers

What if you could turn your prospects' favorite online hangouts into a 24/7 sales machine? This guide teaches you how to hack communities like Reddit, embed yourself where customers congregate, and nurture them into rabid fans who can't wait to buy from you. You'll own their attention without renting it through ads.

26 May 2024
Crucial Conversations: Aligning Founder Visions and Expectations
Crucial Conversations: Aligning Founder Visions and Expectations

Tensions rising with your co-founder? Priorities diverging? This actionable guide helps you navigate those crucial conversations. With step-by-step examples and negotiation strategies from experts like Chris Voss, you'll learn to discuss your "whys," reaffirm your vision, outline philosophical differences, and capture refreshed founder agreements. Reignite your unified force.

24 May 2024
The Myth of Hustle Culture: Finding Balance as a Founder
The Myth of Hustle Culture: Finding Balance as a Founder

You're grinding 18-hour days, sacrificing health and relationships for your startup. But what if hustle culture is a lie sabotaging your success? Discover 7 strategies for finding true balance as a founder to unlock peak performance and build an unstoppable company.

24 May 2024
When to Convert Your Startup into a Delaware C Corp for Investment
When to Convert Your Startup into a Delaware C Corp for Investment

Is your startup ready for the big leagues? Find out when to incorporate as a Delaware C Corp to attract venture capitalists and fuel explosive growth. Our guide shows you exactly how to time this pivotal move and negotiate from a position of strength.

23 May 2024
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why You Shouldn't Rush into a Delaware C Corp
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why You Shouldn't Rush into a Delaware C Corp

Thinking you need a Delaware C corp just because you might raise VC funding someday? That's putting the cart before the horse. Avoid the legal headaches and fees by keeping your biz structure simple early on. This guide shows you how to incorporate the right way when the time is right.

23 May 2024
Do you need a Delaware C Corp to apply to YC or Hustle?
Do you need a Delaware C Corp to apply to YC or Hustle?

Applying to Y Combinator or Hustle Fund, but stuck as an LLC? This could kill your chances...or maybe not? Discover the truth about accelerators' incorporation requirements, and how to navigate it as a non-C Corp. Plus, get insider tips on nailing the restructuring process if accepted!

23 May 2024
Strategies for Emotionally and Operationally Moving Past Co-Founder Issues
Strategies for Emotionally and Operationally Moving Past Co-Founder Issues

Startup co-founder drama killing your drive? Regain control with this step-by-step guide to resolving conflicts, removing toxic partners, and refocusing your team for growth.

17 May 2024
Dilution Strategies for Resolving Stubborn Co-Founder Equity Disputes
Dilution Strategies for Resolving Stubborn Co-Founder Equity Disputes

Is your stubborn co-founder holding your startup hostage over equity? Unleash these 5 dilution power moves to systematically reduce their stake and regain the reins.

17 May 2024
The Infinite Educational Content Engine for Indie Hackers
The Infinite Educational Content Engine for Indie Hackers

Want to be the go-to expert who "gets" indie hackers? Learn how to systematically turn your audience insights into mind-blowing books, courses and tools they'll binge on.

16 May 2024
Building a Dynamic OpenGraph Image API Endpoint on Next.js
Building a Dynamic OpenGraph Image API Endpoint on Next.js

Level up your website's social media game with this step-by-step guide to creating a dynamic, secured OpenGraph image generator for Next.js. Render eye-catching, branded preview images on the fly with custom fonts and HMAC signature verification to prevent abuse.

15 May 2024
Why Some Prospects Will Never Buy From You (And That's OK)
Why Some Prospects Will Never Buy From You (And That's OK)

Feeling rejected after another promising prospect bails? Don't take it personally! Uncover the 7 brutal reasons some prospects are NEVER meant to buy from you, no matter how great your offer. The secret is celebrating those you repel to attract your true fans.

15 May 2024
How to Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur - The Freelancer's Survival Guide
How to Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur - The Freelancer's Survival Guide

Trapped in the corporate grind but dreaming of freelance freedom? This guide reveals how to systematically transition from employee to full-time entrepreneur - without risking it all. Build a sustainable freelance runway, validate services, automate marketing, and develop passive income streams, all while keeping your day job. Ditch the 9-5 on your terms.

15 May 2024
How to set up Google Ads Conversation Tracking when GTM Option is Disabled/Missing?
How to set up Google Ads Conversation Tracking when GTM Option is Disabled/Missing?

Struggling with the missing GTM option for Google Ads conversion tracking? Uncover the root causes and practical workarounds in this guide. Regain control, ensure accurate data, and drive better results with a streamlined solution.

13 May 2024
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Mindset Shifts for Freelance Success
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Mindset Shifts for Freelance Success

Feeling like a fraud in your freelance biz? Overcome imposter syndrome with these 6 mindset shifts that'll turn you into an unstoppable force. No more doubts, just success!

10 May 2024
Start a Blog: The Hands-On Marketing Training You Won't Get in School
Start a Blog: The Hands-On Marketing Training You Won't Get in School

Marketing degree ≠ job? Use this clever blog strategy to get the 1-2 years' experience employers want - without working for free. You'll build real websites, run real marketing campaigns, and create a portfolio that truly showcases your modern marketing skills.

10 May 2024
7 In-Demand Technical Skills Marketing Degree Programs Are Missing
7 In-Demand Technical Skills Marketing Degree Programs Are Missing

Your marketing degree didn't prepare you for the real world? Discover the 7 in-demand technical skills you likely missed out on - but are absolutely essential for landing a high-paying job. This guide reveals the keys to bridging the gap and becoming an unstoppable digital marketer.

10 May 2024
Supercharge Your Reach: Harnessing the Potential of Content Distribution Networks
Supercharge Your Reach: Harnessing the Potential of Content Distribution Networks

Supercharge your content reach with Content Distribution Networks (CDNs). Boost website speed, enhance user experience, and reach a global audience. Harness the potential now!

10 May 2024
Is a Blog Really Worth the Effort? Is Now a Good Time?
Is a Blog Really Worth the Effort? Is Now a Good Time?

Should you really add blogging to your overstuffed plate as a business owner? This guide breaks down when blogging is worth the effort and investment versus when you can skip it. Plus, 5 massive benefits of prioritizing a blog from day one.

09 May 2024
Balancing Hustle and Burnout: Productivity Hacks for Solopreneurs
Balancing Hustle and Burnout: Productivity Hacks for Solopreneurs

The solopreneur grind is real - early mornings, endless hustle, and constant overwhelm. But what if you could work smarter, not harder? This guide reveals productivity tips to maximize your output while protecting your mental health.

07 May 2024
How to Safeguard Your Contributions When Joining a Startup Pre-Funding
How to Safeguard Your Contributions When Joining a Startup Pre-Funding

Thinking of taking a risk on a pre-funding startup? This comprehensive guide ensures you don't get screwed over. Learn how to negotiate equitable deals, document everything legally, and set yourself up to win big if it takes off.

06 May 2024
Creating a Compelling Online Portfolio that Sells Your Services
Creating a Compelling Online Portfolio that Sells Your Services

As a freelancer, your online portfolio could be the difference between just scraping by and consistently landing high-value clients. This in-depth guide reveals 7 mission-critical strategies to transform your portfolio into an automated selling machine - from crafting an irresistible narrative to reducing cognitive friction and optimizing for search. Level up your lead generation today.

05 May 2024
Stunning Open Graph Image Generator Templates for Next.js
Stunning Open Graph Image Generator Templates for Next.js

Struggling to create visually appealing Open Graph images for social shares? Copy these proven Next.js 14 code templates to generate stunning, on-brand OG images with zero design skills required. Powered by the same generator used on wisp.blog!

03 May 2024
Maximizing Reach: Proven Content Distribution Strategies for Bloggers
Maximizing Reach: Proven Content Distribution Strategies for Bloggers

Boost your blog's reach with proven content distribution strategies! From social media to SEO, maximize your traffic potential.

01 May 2024
The Programmatic SEO Playbook: How to Generate Hundreds of Product Comparison Pages in a Day
The Programmatic SEO Playbook: How to Generate Hundreds of Product Comparison Pages in a Day

Launching a new site but stuck with zero content? This Programmatic SEO strategy allows you to code-generate hundreds of ranking product comparison guides in weeks, rapidly building topical authority. Learn the step-by-step process, from researching competitors to automating SEO optimizations.

01 May 2024
How to Generate An Endless Stream of Must-Read Financial Planning Content for Young Parents
How to Generate An Endless Stream of Must-Read Financial Planning Content for Young Parents

Feeling tapped on new angles for helping young families plan their kids' futures? This masterclass unlocks the master blueprint for infinite financial education product creation. Extract core pains, advice, and desired outcomes from your research, then remix them infinitely to generate irresistible topics.

30 April 2024
Networking Hacks for Aspiring Marketers: Get Mentors and Unlock Hidden Jobs
Networking Hacks for Aspiring Marketers: Get Mentors and Unlock Hidden Jobs

Struggling to break into marketing? Tired of getting ghosted on job apps? This guide reveals networking hacks to bypass the black holes and get mentors at your dream companies. Unlock the "hidden job market" where 80% of roles get filled through insider connections.

28 April 2024
The Infinite Content Playbook for Special Needs Parenting
The Infinite Content Playbook for Special Needs Parenting

Struggling to create endless content for special needs parents? Discover the simple 3-part formula that turns your audience insights into an infinite stream of must-read books, courses, and guides they'll devour. Click to master the art of infinite content creation.

28 April 2024
When to Say No to Next.js: The Guide for Minimalist Web Developers
When to Say No to Next.js: The Guide for Minimalist Web Developers

The appeal of Next.js is obvious - built-in server-side rendering, static site generation, file-based routing, and API routes promise a smooth, full-stack development experience. But at what cost?

21 April 2024
New Slash Command and Image Upload Upgrades
New Slash Command and Image Upload Upgrades

We're excited to announce some slick new upgrades to the wisp editor experience! First up, we've added a handy slash command that gives you a Notion-like experience for quickly formatting content.

21 April 2024
Unlocking Your Blogging Potential: Exploring the Best Blogging Platforms
Unlocking Your Blogging Potential: Exploring the Best Blogging Platforms

Discover the best blogging platforms for Saas marketers! Unleash your blogging potential with Wisp and leave traditional CMS in the dust.

19 April 2024
Level Up Your Content Strategy: The Role of Content Syndication Services
Level Up Your Content Strategy: The Role of Content Syndication Services

Level up your content strategy with content syndication services! Boost reach, SEO performance, and brand awareness. Discover the power of syndicated content.

19 April 2024
Blogging Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide for Non-Technical Writers
Blogging Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide for Non-Technical Writers

You've been dreaming of starting a blog to share your ideas, experiences, and expertise with the world. But every time you try to take the first step, you get overwhelmed by all the technical jargon and options. Hosting, domains, platforms, themes - it's enough to make your head spin before you even write your first post.

18 April 2024
How to Promote Your Blog Without Annoying Your Friends and Family
How to Promote Your Blog Without Annoying Your Friends and Family

So you've started a blog and you're excited to share your work with the world. But you also don't want to be "that person" who constantly spams their social media feeds with endless self-promotion. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to effectively promote your blog and grow your audience without relying on your existing social circle or resorting to spammy tactics.

18 April 2024
Sales Safari Mastery: The Mega-Guide to Mind Read Your Audience and Creating Wildly Successful Content Bombs
Sales Safari Mastery: The Mega-Guide to Mind Read Your Audience and Creating Wildly Successful Content Bombs

How do you find the secret ingredient that makes your audience sit up, take notice, and cling to your every word? The Sales Safari framework let's understand your audience and produce contents that make them go "It's almost like you've read my mind!".

18 April 2024
The Subfolder vs. Subdomain Showdown: Optimizing Your Blog's Architecture for Maximum SEO Gains
The Subfolder vs. Subdomain Showdown: Optimizing Your Blog's Architecture for Maximum SEO Gains

You're feeling the urge to start blogging to drive more traffic, build authority, and nurture leads. The big question is: where do you host this blog content?

18 April 2024
From 0 to 1000 Followers: The Strategic Path for Indie Hackers on Twitter
From 0 to 1000 Followers: The Strategic Path for Indie Hackers on Twitter

As an indie hacker, you've been constantly told to #buildinpublic, but as you tweet out your progress, your voice echoes into the void, unanswered. How are you supposed to cut through the noise when you're just one indie hacker among millions?

18 April 2024
The Anti-Spam Playbook: How to Promote Your Business on Reddit Without Getting Nuked
The Anti-Spam Playbook: How to Promote Your Business on Reddit Without Getting Nuked

Reddit is a goldmine for finding customers and growing an audience. But every time you try to share your product or service, you get accused of "self-promotion" and "spam" by the mods. Here's a 5-steps guide to help position yourself as a helpful authority rather than a promoter,

18 April 2024
Introducing wisp: A Headless CMS for Indie Hackers & Startups
Introducing wisp: A Headless CMS for Indie Hackers & Startups

Managing a blog on your Next.js website sucks. I've been there, done that, and I've got the battle scars to prove it. That's why I set out to build wisp. A headless CMS with kickass editor, image CDN and everything you need in a blog.

18 April 2024
Build a Marketing Portfolio That Showcases Your Skills (Not Just Coursework)
Build a Marketing Portfolio That Showcases Your Skills (Not Just Coursework)

Struggling to land your first marketing job? This guide shows you how to build an irresistible portfolio that showcases your skills (not just coursework). With real client projects, passion projects, metrics that prove your impact, and more, you'll make hiring managers say "We need to hire this person!"

13 April 2024
The Game-Changer: SEO Strategies Every Blogger Should Know
The Game-Changer: SEO Strategies Every Blogger Should Know

Master SEO for bloggers and skyrocket your blog traffic! Discover game-changing strategies to boost your online presence.

08 April 2024
Stay Ahead of the Game: 10 Cutting-Edge Blog Post Ideas for Small Startup Marketers
Stay Ahead of the Game: 10 Cutting-Edge Blog Post Ideas for Small Startup Marketers

Stay ahead of the game with cutting-edge blog post ideas for small startup marketers. Elevate your strategy and captivate your audience!

29 March 2024
Expanding Your Reach: Exploring Effective Content Distribution Channels
Expanding Your Reach: Exploring Effective Content Distribution Channels

Unlock the power of content distribution channels! From SEO to influencer partnerships, discover effective ways to expand your reach.

12 March 2024
Maximize Your Content Impact: Essential Content Distribution Tools
Maximize Your Content Impact: Essential Content Distribution Tools

Supercharge your content reach with essential content distribution tools. Unlock the power of social media, email, SEO, and analytics for maximum impact!

19 February 2024