Blog posts tagged with #nextjs
Struggling with slow tests in your Next.js app? Dive into a real-world comparison of Jest vs Vitest, with actual performance metrics and migration strategies that won't give you nightmares.
Complete guide to Next.js testing: Learn Jest, Vitest, React Testing Library, and end-to-end testing. Perfect for beginners with practical code examples and configuration steps.
Fix Next.js 15 cookie issues in production. Learn proper httpOnly, secure, and sameSite configurations. Debug authentication cookies that work locally but fail in deployment.
Learn secure Next.js authentication with Nest.js: Implement JWT tokens, httpOnly cookies, and token rotation. Complete guide with code examples for frontend-only Next.js apps.
Comprehensive comparison of Auth.js vs BetterAuth for Next.js, covering setup, documentation, support, and implementation. Make the right choice for your authentication needs.
Learn how to resolve 503 errors and LambdaLimitExceeded issues in Next.js applications deployed on AWS S3. Fix blank pages and external redirect problems with CloudFront.
Confused about hooks in Next.js server components? Learn when to use 'use client', how server-side rendering actually works, and why your team's concerns about optimization might be overblown.
Puzzled by mysterious GET requests in your Vercel logs? Discover how prefetching works, why it's causing those requests, and learn to balance performance gains with cost implications.
Learn effective React Query cache invalidation strategies using Query Key Factory, custom hooks, and centralized services. Master query key management for scalable React applications.
Learn how to set up Vitest with Next.js 15, React Testing Library, and TypeScript. Complete guide with configuration, best practices, and performance optimization tips.
Comprehensive guide to Next.js Route Handlers vs Server Actions: Learn when to use each approach, with production-ready code examples and best practices for scalable applications.
Struggling with Jest in Next.js 15? From cryptic module errors to React 19 conflicts, discover comprehensive solutions to make Jest work seamlessly in your modern Next.js projects.
React Router 7.3 introduces middleware functionality with enhanced control and performance. Learn implementation, best practices, and how it compares to Next.js and Remix alternatives.
Should you learn Next.js as your first framework? Discover the essential path through JavaScript, React, and Node.js before tackling Server Side Rendering and middleware concepts.
Comprehensive guide to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in Next.js applications. Includes Zod validation, TypeScript integration, and best practices for API verification.
2025 React libraries guide: Next.js, TanStack Query, react-hook-form, Redux Toolkit, and more. Essential tools for modern React development with real-world insights and job market analysis.
Comprehensive guide to Next.js UI components in 2025: Compare Mantine, Shadcn, NextUI, and more. Learn which libraries optimize LCP and offer the best developer experience.
Tired of that dreaded CORS error blocking your local development? Learn proven solutions for handling CORS restrictions, from Vite's proxy to running local API copies - no more browser headaches.
Frustrated with Next.js App Router complexity or React's stagnant performance? Get a clear-headed comparison of React, Next.js, and Remix to make the right choice for your large-scale project.
Discover when to use nested vs merged Context Providers in React. Master global state management with useContext, React.memo, and performance optimization techniques.