Blog posts tagged with #deployment
Next.js hosting comparison: Vercel vs AWS Amplify, ECS, and Lambda. Discover cost-effective solutions for file storage, scaling, and secure deployments.
Comprehensive guide to Next.js 15 folder structure: Learn how to organize App Router, components, utils, and lib folders. Includes monorepo setup with pnpm and Turborepo.
Worried about SEO with 'use client' directives? Learn how to leverage both App Router and Pages Router while maintaining strong search visibility. Get practical solutions for your Next.js routing decisions.
Master AI traffic management with practical solutions: budget alerts, DDoS protection, and usage monitoring. Real-world case study of handling unexpected Claude bot requests.
Learn how to reduce Vercel Fast Data Transfer (FDT) usage for Next.js images. Implement effective caching strategies, optimize GIFs, and stay within your 1TB limit.
Comprehensive guide to Kubernetes for web developers in 2025. Learn about k3s, Minikube, and when to choose k8s over traditional deployment methods.