Build In Public
Development guides and tutorials on building delightful content experiences
Discover 10 Next.js learning projects ranging from beginner to advanced: portfolio websites, e-commerce stores, real-time chat apps, and more. Perfect for escaping tutorial hell.
Feeling overwhelmed with TypeScript in your React project? Learn a systematic approach to organizing types that will save you from messy APIs and folder structure confusion.
Struggling with slow tests in your Next.js app? Dive into a real-world comparison of Jest vs Vitest, with actual performance metrics and migration strategies that won't give you nightmares.
Complete guide to Next.js testing: Learn Jest, Vitest, React Testing Library, and end-to-end testing. Perfect for beginners with practical code examples and configuration steps.
Learn secure Next.js authentication with Nest.js: Implement JWT tokens, httpOnly cookies, and token rotation. Complete guide with code examples for frontend-only Next.js apps.
Fix Next.js 15 cookie issues in production. Learn proper httpOnly, secure, and sameSite configurations. Debug authentication cookies that work locally but fail in deployment.
Comprehensive comparison of Auth.js vs BetterAuth for Next.js, covering setup, documentation, support, and implementation. Make the right choice for your authentication needs.
Feeling lost in technical docs? Discover how senior developers navigate the maze of documentation bias, sparse explanations, and auto-generated guides with confidence.
Learn practical Dependency Injection patterns in React using Context API, custom hooks, and props. Includes real-world examples and best practices for React component testing.
Confused about hooks in Next.js server components? Learn when to use 'use client', how server-side rendering actually works, and why your team's concerns about optimization might be overblown.