Growth Hacking

Strategy and tactics on how to hack growth for early-stage startups

A Mega Guide to Launch Preparations &Operations for Product Hunt
A Mega Guide to Launch Preparations &Operations for Product Hunt

Launch it, and they will come? That doesn't work for ProductHunt launches. I'll walk you through how I secure 420+ votes on ProductHunt by preparing and executing the perfect launch plan.

18 September 2024
Overcoming the Creator's Mindset
Overcoming the Creator's Mindset

From passive consumer to active creator: Discover how to overcome common fears and start your content creation journey.

30 August 2024
Reflections on the Last Two Weeks of Sprint for Wisp
Reflections on the Last Two Weeks of Sprint for Wisp

Discover the latest sprint insights, new AI-powered features, community spotlights, and our upcoming Product Hunt launch. Dive into our blog for a behind-the-scenes look!

29 August 2024
Introducing Contextual Call-to-actions (CCTA)
Introducing Contextual Call-to-actions (CCTA)

Discover how our new Contextual CTAs feature can transform your content marketing strategy with personalized, AI-powered calls-to-action. Your audience engagement will never be the same!

20 August 2024
Must-Have Content Distribution Tools for Marketers in 2024
Must-Have Content Distribution Tools for Marketers in 2024

From SEO to social media: Explore the top content distribution tools for 2024. Learn how to amplify your reach and boost engagement with these game-changing solutions.

18 August 2024
Doing Things That Don't Scale: My Unexpected Journey with Learning Loop
Doing Things That Don't Scale: My Unexpected Journey with Learning Loop

My hands-on approach to integrating a blog led to unexpected growth, insights, and a critical bug fix! Here's a short story on why founders should do things that don't scale.

07 August 2024
What's the $1.80 Strategy and How I Can Use It to Grow My Startup?
What's the $1.80 Strategy and How I Can Use It to Grow My Startup?

Discover Gary Vaynerchuk's $1.80 strategy and learn how authentic social engagement can skyrocket your startup’s growth across Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok!

01 August 2024
Don't Just Publish Content, Use It to Unlock Industry Doors
Don't Just Publish Content, Use It to Unlock Industry Doors

Struggling to get industry leaders' attention? Discover the ingenious strategy one founder used to rapidly build relationships and credibility in a new space through a powerful publication approach. Game-changing insights for navigating any industry.

29 June 2024
How to Get Your Blog Posts Indexed by Google Immediately
How to Get Your Blog Posts Indexed by Google Immediately

Frustrated by Google not finding your new blog posts? Discover the insider trick to get indexed immediately and start driving traffic to your content within minutes.

24 June 2024
Protect Your Ad Spend: Exclude These Countries on Google Ads
Protect Your Ad Spend: Exclude These Countries on Google Ads

Stop throwing money away on useless traffic from India, Pakistan, and more. This guide reveals how to exclude problematic countries and laser-focus your Google Ads for maximum conversions.

10 June 2024