
Blog posts tagged with #early-stage

From Hustle to Customer: Tom Green's Journey with Verticode
From Hustle to Customer: Tom Green's Journey with Verticode

Curious how a non-technical founder turned a startup dream into a $600K reality? Discover Tom Green's incredible journey from hustle on co-founder platforms to securing Verticode's first customer and beyond. Get inspired and learn actionable strategies for your venture!

26 September 2024
A Mega Guide to Launch Preparations &Operations for Product Hunt
A Mega Guide to Launch Preparations &Operations for Product Hunt

Launch it, and they will come? That doesn't work for ProductHunt launches. I'll walk you through how I secure 420+ votes on ProductHunt by preparing and executing the perfect launch plan.

18 September 2024
My Product Hunt Launch Experience: Behind the Scenes
My Product Hunt Launch Experience: Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes of a Product Hunt launch: Uncover the truth about preparation, competition, and results. Think that you can "launch and they will come"? Think again.

04 September 2024
How I'm Preparing for My Product Hunt Launch
How I'm Preparing for My Product Hunt Launch

Insider look at a wisp's Product Hunt launch prep. Get tips, goals, and strategies for maximizing visibility and growth.

26 August 2024
How much equity should a founding engineer get?
How much equity should a founding engineer get?

Equity for founding engineers: A deep dive into fair compensation. Learn market standards and negotiation tips for this crucial role.

22 August 2024
Understanding Share Dilution & it's Impact on Founders
Understanding Share Dilution & it's Impact on Founders

Unravel the complexities of share dilution with real-world examples. Learn how to safeguard your ownership and navigate funding rounds like a pro.

21 August 2024
What if You Build It, and They Don't Come? How to Research Your Audience with Sales Safari
What if You Build It, and They Don't Come? How to Research Your Audience with Sales Safari

Struggling to attract customers post-launch? Dive into the Sales Safari technique to understand your audience better and build products they can't resist!

15 August 2024
How I Stopped Running Out of Content on LinkedIn (And You Can Too)
How I Stopped Running Out of Content on LinkedIn (And You Can Too)

Tired of LinkedIn content anxiety? Discover how I went from forced daily posts to authentic, engaging content. Uncover strategies for turning daily experiences into captivating posts.

07 August 2024
Doing Things That Don't Scale: My Unexpected Journey with Learning Loop
Doing Things That Don't Scale: My Unexpected Journey with Learning Loop

My hands-on approach to integrating a blog led to unexpected growth, insights, and a critical bug fix! Here's a short story on why founders should do things that don't scale.

07 August 2024
What's the $1.80 Strategy and How I Can Use It to Grow My Startup?
What's the $1.80 Strategy and How I Can Use It to Grow My Startup?

Discover Gary Vaynerchuk's $1.80 strategy and learn how authentic social engagement can skyrocket your startup’s growth across Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok!

01 August 2024
Wisp's Growth Journey: Hitting Our Stride with 7% Week-on-Week Growth
Wisp's Growth Journey: Hitting Our Stride with 7% Week-on-Week Growth

Dive into wisp's journey as we hit 7% week-on-week growth! Discover our key metrics, behind-the-scenes improvements, and strategies that are moving the needle in our headless CMS startup adventure.

31 July 2024
Why adding a blog to your startup's website is a game-changer
Why adding a blog to your startup's website is a game-changer

Discover why adding a blog to your startup's website is a game-changer! From attracting traffic to building credibility, learn practical steps to get started. Unleash your potential!

27 July 2024
Don't Just Publish Content, Use It to Unlock Industry Doors
Don't Just Publish Content, Use It to Unlock Industry Doors

Struggling to get industry leaders' attention? Discover the ingenious strategy one founder used to rapidly build relationships and credibility in a new space through a powerful publication approach. Game-changing insights for navigating any industry.

29 June 2024
The First Customer Mindset: Overcoming the Biggest Hurdle
The First Customer Mindset: Overcoming the Biggest Hurdle

Struggling to get your first paying customer? This soul-crushing hurdle is the make-or-break moment. Overcome the fears, doubts and mental roadblocks with this guide. Discover how to validate your audience, leverage warm connections, persist through rejection, listen more than pitch, and exude humble confidence.

26 May 2024
Crucial Conversations: Aligning Founder Visions and Expectations
Crucial Conversations: Aligning Founder Visions and Expectations

Tensions rising with your co-founder? Priorities diverging? This actionable guide helps you navigate those crucial conversations. With step-by-step examples and negotiation strategies from experts like Chris Voss, you'll learn to discuss your "whys," reaffirm your vision, outline philosophical differences, and capture refreshed founder agreements. Reignite your unified force.

24 May 2024
The Myth of Hustle Culture: Finding Balance as a Founder
The Myth of Hustle Culture: Finding Balance as a Founder

You're grinding 18-hour days, sacrificing health and relationships for your startup. But what if hustle culture is a lie sabotaging your success? Discover 7 strategies for finding true balance as a founder to unlock peak performance and build an unstoppable company.

24 May 2024
When to Convert Your Startup into a Delaware C Corp for Investment
When to Convert Your Startup into a Delaware C Corp for Investment

Is your startup ready for the big leagues? Find out when to incorporate as a Delaware C Corp to attract venture capitalists and fuel explosive growth. Our guide shows you exactly how to time this pivotal move and negotiate from a position of strength.

23 May 2024
Strategies for Emotionally and Operationally Moving Past Co-Founder Issues
Strategies for Emotionally and Operationally Moving Past Co-Founder Issues

Startup co-founder drama killing your drive? Regain control with this step-by-step guide to resolving conflicts, removing toxic partners, and refocusing your team for growth.

17 May 2024
Dilution Strategies for Resolving Stubborn Co-Founder Equity Disputes
Dilution Strategies for Resolving Stubborn Co-Founder Equity Disputes

Is your stubborn co-founder holding your startup hostage over equity? Unleash these 5 dilution power moves to systematically reduce their stake and regain the reins.

17 May 2024
How to Safeguard Your Contributions When Joining a Startup Pre-Funding
How to Safeguard Your Contributions When Joining a Startup Pre-Funding

Thinking of taking a risk on a pre-funding startup? This comprehensive guide ensures you don't get screwed over. Learn how to negotiate equitable deals, document everything legally, and set yourself up to win big if it takes off.

06 May 2024