Zustand vs Redux: Making Sense of React State Management

You've been building React applications and managing state with useState and useContext. But as your app grows, you keep hearing about Zustand and Redux. Everyone says "use these for complex state management" - but what exactly constitutes complex state? When should you actually reach for these tools?

If you're feeling confused about state management libraries, you're not alone. Many developers struggle to understand when and why they should use tools like Zustand or Redux instead of React's built-in state management.

Let's cut through the confusion and break down exactly when and why you'd want to use each of these popular state management solutions, with practical examples that demonstrate their real-world applications.

Understanding State Management Fundamentals

Before diving into Zustand and Redux comparisons, let's clarify what we mean by state management. In React applications, state represents any data that can change over time and affects your UI. This includes:

  • User interface state (active tabs, open modals, form inputs)

  • Session state (current user, authentication tokens)

  • Server cache state (API responses, cached data)

  • Form state (input values, validation errors)

  • URL state (query parameters, route parameters)

As your application grows, managing these different types of state across multiple components becomes increasingly challenging. You might find yourself:

  • Passing props through many layers of components (prop drilling)

  • Duplicating state logic across different parts of your app

  • Struggling to keep related state updates in sync

  • Managing complex data fetching and caching logic

This is where state management libraries come in. They provide structured ways to:

  1. Store state outside of your React components

  2. Update state predictably and consistently

  3. Access state from anywhere in your application

  4. Handle side effects and asynchronous operations

  5. Debug state changes effectively

Zustand: The Minimalist Approach

Zustand has gained popularity for its simplicity and minimal boilerplate. Here's a basic example of a Zustand store:

import create from 'zustand'

const useStore = create((set) => ({
  bears: 0,
  increasePopulation: () => set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
  removeAllBears: () => set({ bears: 0 })

Using this store in a component is as simple as:

function BearCounter() {
  const bears = useStore((state) => state.bears)
  return <h1>{bears} around here...</h1>

The beauty of Zustand lies in its straightforward API and minimal learning curve. There's no need for providers, complex setup, or additional dependencies.

Redux: The Structured Solution

Redux, particularly Redux Toolkit (RTK), takes a more structured approach to state management. While it requires more setup, it provides a robust architecture for managing complex state interactions.

Here's what the same bear-counting example looks like with Redux Toolkit:

import { createSlice, configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

const bearSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'bears',
  initialState: { value: 0 },
  reducers: {
    increment: state => {
      state.value += 1
    clear: state => {
      state.value = 0

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    bears: bearSlice.reducer

Using it in a component requires connecting to the Redux store:

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import { increment } from './bearSlice'

function BearCounter() {
  const bears = useSelector((state) => state.bears.value)
  const dispatch = useDispatch()

  return (
      <h1>{bears} around here...</h1>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}>Add bear</button>

Key Differences That Matter

1. Bundle Size and Performance

Zustand is incredibly lightweight, coming in at less than 1KB gzipped. Redux, even with Redux Toolkit, has a larger footprint. This difference matters particularly for smaller applications where every kilobyte counts.

2. Learning Curve and Setup

One of the most common pain points with Redux is its cognitive overhead. As one developer noted in a Reddit discussion: "The cognitive overload for Redux alone makes it not a good choice." Zustand's simpler API means you can get started quickly without learning concepts like actions, reducers, and middleware.

3. Developer Tools and Debugging

Both libraries support Redux DevTools, but Redux's ecosystem includes additional tools for debugging and development. This can be particularly valuable in larger applications where debugging complex state changes is crucial.

4. State Updates and Immutability

Redux enforces strict immutability in state updates, which helps prevent bugs but requires more verbose code. Zustand allows for more flexible state updates while still maintaining good practices:

// Zustand
set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 }))

// Redux Toolkit

When to Choose Each Library

Choose Zustand When:

  1. You're Building a Small to Medium-Sized Application

    • Your state management needs are relatively straightforward

    • You want to avoid unnecessary complexity

    • Quick setup and minimal boilerplate are priorities

  2. You Need Quick Integration

    import create from 'zustand'
    const useStore = create((set) => ({
      user: null,
      setUser: (user) => set({ user }),
      logout: () => set({ user: null })
  3. You're Working with a Small Team

    • Less documentation and conventions needed

    • Easier onboarding for new team members

    • Faster development cycles

Choose Redux (with Redux Toolkit) When:

  1. You're Building a Large, Complex Application

    • Multiple state interactions need to be managed

    • You need strong conventions for state management

    • Team coordination is a priority

  2. You Need Advanced Features

    • Complex state transformations

    • Middleware for side effects

    • Extensive debugging capabilities

  3. You're Working with a Large Team

    • Need standardized patterns

    • Want extensive documentation

    • Require strict state management rules

Real-World Examples

Let's look at some practical scenarios to illustrate when each library shines:

Scenario 1: Simple Shopping Cart

For a basic e-commerce site with a shopping cart, Zustand provides a clean solution:

const useCartStore = create((set) => ({
  items: [],
  addItem: (item) => set((state) => ({
    items: [...state.items, item]
  removeItem: (itemId) => set((state) => ({
    items: state.items.filter(item => item.id !== itemId)

Scenario 2: Complex Dashboard

For a dashboard with multiple data sources, real-time updates, and complex state interactions, Redux Toolkit offers better organization:

// userSlice.js
const userSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'user',
  initialState: { data: null, preferences: {} },
  reducers: {
    setUser: (state, action) => {
      state.data = action.payload
    updatePreferences: (state, action) => {
      state.preferences = { ...state.preferences, ...action.payload }

// dashboardSlice.js
const dashboardSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'dashboard',
  initialState: { widgets: [], layout: {} },
  reducers: {
    // ... dashboard-specific reducers

Making the Decision

When choosing between Zustand and Redux, consider these factors:

  1. Project Size and Complexity

    • Small to medium projects → Zustand

    • Large, complex applications → Redux Toolkit

  2. Team Experience and Size

    • Small teams or solo developers → Zustand

    • Large teams with varying experience levels → Redux Toolkit

  3. Performance Requirements

    • Bundle size critical → Zustand

    • Complex state operations → Redux Toolkit

  4. Development Timeline

    • Need quick implementation → Zustand

    • Can afford setup time for better structure → Redux Toolkit

Best Practices Regardless of Choice

Whichever library you choose, follow these principles:

  1. Start Simple

    • Begin with React's built-in state management

    • Add a state management library only when needed

  2. Document Your State Structure

    • Maintain clear documentation of your state shape

    • Document state update patterns

  3. Monitor Performance

    • Watch for unnecessary re-renders

    • Use performance monitoring tools

  4. Keep State Normalized

    • Avoid deeply nested state

    • Maintain flat state structures


The choice between Zustand and Redux isn't about which is "better" - it's about which tool better suits your specific needs. Zustand excels in simplicity and quick implementation, while Redux Toolkit provides a robust structure for complex applications.

Remember, you don't always need a state management library. As noted in various community discussions, start with React's built-in state management and only reach for these tools when you have a clear need for them.

The best choice is the one that helps your team build and maintain your application effectively while keeping cognitive overhead manageable. Whether that's Zustand's minimalist approach or Redux Toolkit's structured methodology depends on your specific context and requirements.

Additional Resources

Remember, the goal of state management is to make your application more maintainable and easier to understand. Choose the tool that best helps you achieve that goal for your specific situation.

Raymond Yeh

Raymond Yeh

Published on 27 November 2024

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