Start a Blog: The Hands-On Marketing Training You Won't Get in School

10 May 2024

You're a recent marketing grad, filled with excitement to finally put your degree into practice. But as you scour job listings, you're hit with a harsh reality - most entry-level roles require 1-2 years of experience you simply don't have. You've spent thousands on tuition to learn marketing theory and strategy, but employers want proof you can execute real, hands-on marketing tactics.

Trying to break into the field feels like an endless catch-22. How are you supposed to get experience when no one will give you a chance without having experience first? The frustration is palpable as you submit application after application, only to be met with radio silence or rejections citing your lack of practical experience.

While your marketing courses covered branding, consumer behavior, and marketing plans, there's a glaring lack of technical, tactical training. You didn't learn how to actually run ads, build websites, create content, use marketing software, or any of the practical skills for executing modern marketing campaigns from start to finish.

Sure, you understand the high-level strategy behind an integrated marketing communications plan. But when it comes to rolling up your sleeves and doing the hands-on work, you're at a complete loss. Your portfolio is filled with hypothetical classroom projects, not real-world experience bringing marketing concepts to life.

The disconnect between academic theory and career reality is painfully apparent. You can rattle off marketing principles and models, but you have zero clue how to apply them using current marketing technologies and tactics. This makes you ill-prepared for the realities of life as a working marketing professional.

But what if I told you there's a way to bridge that experience gap and transform yourself from a theoretical marketing student into a battle-tested practitioner? By starting your own blog and treating it as a hands-on marketing training ground, you can equip yourself with the full suite of modern marketing skills that employers actually value.

Your blog becomes the ultimate self-guided apprenticeship for mastering digital marketing from the ground up. No more hypotheticals or textbook examples - it's a real-world marketing training you won't get in the classroom, where you get to experiment, learn, and build a portfolio of tangible accomplishments.

1. Build Your Own Website

Forget about using a basic blogging platform - treat this as a full-fledged web development project. Use a modern headless CMS like combined with a front-end framework like Next.js to build your blog website from scratch.

With Wisp's Next.js starter template, you get a fully-functional blog pre-configured with a headless CMS backend, allowing you to dive right into front-end development using React. This cuts out the need to manage servers, databases, or backend code so you can focus purely on front-end skills.

Step-by-Step Website Development Training

  1. Set up your local development environment with tools like Node.js, npm, Git, and your code editor of choice (like VS Code).

  2. Clone the Next.js starter template from Wisp's GitHub repo and run it locally to get familiar with the codebase.

  3. Customize the starter theme by updating styles, layouts, and components to match your branding using Tailwind CSS and ShadCN

  4. Integrate additional functionality like newsletter sign-ups, search, and other marketing tools you want to implement using APIs and third-party services.

  5. Optimize performance by techniques like code splitting, image optimization, dynamic imports, and leveraging Next.js' built-in capabilities.

  6. Deploy your site to a hosting platform like Vercel or Netlify and connect it to the headless CMS.

As you build and customize your blog site, you'll learn skills like theming, UI/UX design, performance optimization, third-party integration, and deployment workflows - technical skills that marketing degree programs are often missing but are incredibly valuable in today's marketing roles.

2. Execute SEO & Content Marketing

With your blog as the canvas, it's time to get tactical with SEO and content marketing. This is where you'll learn to plan, create, optimize, and distribute content that drives real business results.

Develop Your Content Strategy

  1. Conduct keyword research using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to identify topics, categories, and specific keywords to target.

  2. Map out content requirements by documenting content briefs, target keywords, working titles, target word counts, and multimedia needs.

  3. Build an editorial calendar to schedule a consistent cadence for publishing different content types and formats across your keyword themes.

  4. Create content templates and guidelines to ensure consistent quality, formatting, and on-page SEO optimization across all published content.

Optimize Content for SEO

  1. Implement on-page SEO best practices by optimizing titles, meta descriptions, headings, body content, and image tags for your target keywords.

  2. Internally link related content using contextual anchor text to help search engines understand your site's topical structure.

  3. Leverage schema markup to provide richer information to search engines about your content's entities, relationships, and attributes.

  4. Repurpose and update content by refreshing older posts, creating new formats like videos or podcasts, and building out topic clusters and content hubs.

As you publish more content, implement advanced SEO strategies for bloggers like internal linking, topic clustering, and content repurposing to increase your site's topical authority and search visibility.

Distribute & Amplify Content

  1. Promote new content across owned channels like email lists and social media accounts to drive initial traffic and engagement.

  2. Build relationships with influencers in your niche by mentioning them, contributing guest posts, and linking to their content to earn promotion.

  3. Repurpose content into multiple formats like videos, podcasts, infographics, and slide decks to expand your distribution channels.

  4. Leverage paid promotion channels like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or content distribution networks to amplify high-performing content.

  5. Participate in relevant online communities like niche forums, Reddit, Slack groups, etc. to promote content and build your personal brand.

3. Run Paid Acquisition Campaigns

With a steady stream of content published and optimized for SEO, it's time to accelerate growth through paid marketing channels. You'll gain experience with paid advertising across platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

Set Up Your Paid Accounts & Pixels

  1. Create advertising accounts across Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and any other platforms relevant to your niche.

  2. Install tracking pixels and configure conversions so you can accurately measure campaign performance and marketing ROI.

  3. Connect your ads accounts to analytics platforms like Google Analytics to enable more robust tracking, reporting, and audience data.

Build and Test Paid Campaigns

  1. Research your audience across platforms to understand their demographics, interests, behaviors, and psychographics.

  2. Define your campaign objectives, targeting, ad creatives, and landing pages for each platform based on your goals and audience insights.

  3. Launch campaigns and continuously test variations of your targeting, creative, copy, and landing pages through A/B testing and campaign experiments.

  4. Analyze performance data like click-through rates, costs per acquisition, conversion rates, and ROI to optimize your best campaigns.

  5. Implement advanced tactics like retargeting, dynamic product ads, and custom audience integrations to improve efficiency.

  6. Explore new paid channels like native advertising, influencer marketing, and other emerging platforms that are a fit for your niche.

As your paid acquisition skills advance, look for opportunities to integrate your blog content into your ad funnels and leverage content syndication networks to drive more qualified traffic to your highest-converting pages.

4. Leverage Email & Marketing Automation

While paid and organic channels drive new audience growth, email marketing allows you to nurture those audiences and move them through your marketing funnel. You'll learn to build lists, segment audiences, automate journeys, and personalize messaging.

Build Your Email List

  1. Create a lead magnet like a checklist, guide, mini-course, or free tool that provides value to your target audience.

  2. Integrate opt-in forms and sign-up modals throughout your website using tools like ConvertKit's embeddable forms.

  3. Run lead generation campaigns through paid channels, content syndication, and other promotion to drive sign-ups.

  4. Continuously update and create new lead magnets to re-engage existing subscribers and attract new audiences over time.

Nurture Subscribers Through Automation

  1. Set up a welcome email sequence to introduce new subscribers to your brand, share helpful resources, and set expectations.

  2. Create automated email journeys triggered by specific subscriber actions, interests, or behaviors to deliver hyper-relevant content.

  3. Segment subscribers into lists and tags based on their interests, purchase behavior, content engagement, and other attributes.

  4. Personalize email content dynamically by using custom fields, dynamic content blocks, and other personalization features.

  5. Integrate your email tool with your headless CMS to automatically send new blog post notifications and suggest related content.

  6. A/B test your emails across subject lines, send times, content, CTAs, and design to continuously optimize open rates and conversions.

Use your headless CMS's capabilities to seamlessly integrate your blog content and email marketing - automatically sending new post notifications, suggesting related content, and moving subscribers through your marketing funnel.

5. Implement Analytics & Reporting

While all these marketing activities generate important data, you need strong analytics and reporting skills to translate that data into actionable insights that improve your strategy over time.

Connect and Configure Analytics Tools

  1. Implement Google Analytics by adding tracking codes across your website, ads accounts, email tool, and any other marketing platforms.

  2. Configure analytics settings like views, filters, goals, e-commerce tracking, and more to align with your marketing objectives.

  3. Explore additional analytics tools like heatmap and session recording tools, social media analytics, rank tracking, and more.

  4. Connect data across platforms by leveraging integration capabilities to combine analytics data sources into a unified view.

Build Dashboards and Reports

  1. Create custom dashboards and reports in Google Analytics and your other tools to surface key metrics and visualizations.

  2. Set up recurring reports and automated emails to be delivered on a schedule to monitor performance over time.

  3. Analyze the full customer journey by mapping metrics to each stage - from initial traffic sources to conversion events.

  4. Leverage advanced techniques like marketing attribution modeling, cohort analysis, and predictive analytics.

  5. Regularly audit your analytics setup to ensure accurate, trustworthy data as your marketing operations evolve.

Set up goal tracking and e-commerce integration to tie your marketing efforts to tangible business results like email list growth, lead generation, and revenue. As you get more advanced, explore techniques like marketing attribution modeling, cohort analysis, and predictive analytics.

6. Showcase Your Work

Throughout this process, document your marketing strategy, execution, results, and lessons learned. Create a comprehensive portfolio case study that demonstrates your ability to plan, execute, measure and optimize an entire marketing funnel from scratch.

Build Your Portfolio Site

  1. Design and build a dedicated portfolio website using the same website development skills you practiced on your blog.

  2. Structure your portfolio in a logical, easy-to-navigate way with clear sections for your projects, background, resume, and contact info.

  3. Optimize your portfolio for search engines by implementing on-page SEO, creating content around your personal brand, and earning backlinks.

  4. Promote your portfolio through your blog, social media, email list, and other channels to increase its visibility and authority over time.

Document Your Marketing Campaigns

For each major marketing initiative you execute on your blog, create a detailed portfolio case study that includes:

  1. Project overview and objectives

  2. Research and strategy documentation

  3. Execution details and assets created

  4. Performance data, key results, and takeaways

  5. Visual examples and supporting files

Your portfolio should showcase your technical skills like web development and data/analytics capabilities, in addition to your content creation, SEO, paid acquisition, and marketing operations experience. Make it a living case study that you continuously update and refine.

The greatest advantage of using your blog as a marketing training tool? It's a risk-free environment to make mistakes, get hands-on reps, and develop a versatile, T-shaped skillset without the pressures of a real job. You'll not only build an impressive portfolio that showcases your execution abilities, but gain priceless self-taught experience that allows you to walk into marketing roles as a well-rounded professional ready to hit the ground running from day one.

So start blogging today using a modern headless CMS like - it may be the most valuable extracurricular "course" you take for launching your marketing career. The hands-on practice and portfolio you build will make you a far more competitive candidate compared to students who only have theoretical knowledge.

Choosing a CMS?

Wisp is the most delightful and intuitive way to manage content on your website. Integrate with any existing website within hours!

Choosing a CMS
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