The Generosity Advantage: How Giving Value Builds Trust and Drives Traffic

27 June 2024

Is holding back your best ideas the key to success?

Many believe that giving away expertise for free leaves nothing to sell. However, this scarcity mindset can be a significant barrier to growth and opportunity.

This post will explore why giving generously is not only beneficial but essential for building trust, driving traffic, and ultimately converting leads into customers.

The Pitfall of Scarcity Thinking

Let's start with an example of what not to do.

Recently, I shared a post about my experience with ad spending. Someone commented:

Next time consult with a professional. We don't burn money around here.

This type of response adds no value to the conversation and potentially pushes away prospective clients.

It's a prime example of how not to engage in online communities.

The Power of Generous Giving

Instead of holding back, consider these benefits of giving generously:

  1. Stand Out from the Crowd

  2. Build Trust and Credibility

  3. Create a Value Journey

  4. Attract the Right Clients

  5. Foster Meaningful Connections

How to Add Value to Online Conversations

Adding value to online conversations is an art that combines thoughtfulness, expertise, and a genuine desire to help others. Here's how you can make your contributions stand out:

1. Provide Detailed, Comprehensive Answers

Don't settle for surface-level advice. Dive deep into the topic.

Example: Question: "How can I improve my website's SEO?"

Poor answer:

Just use keywords.

Value-adding answer:

Improving your website's SEO involves several key strategies:

  1. Conduct thorough keyword research

  2. Optimize on-page elements (title tags, meta descriptions, headers)

  3. Create high-quality, relevant content regularly

  4. Build quality backlinks from reputable sites

  5. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly

For a step-by-step guide on implementing these strategies, check out my blog post: [Link to SEO guide]

2. Share Personal Experiences

Relate your own successes and failures to add authenticity and practical insight.


When I first started with SEO, I made the mistake of stuffing keywords everywhere. My rankings actually dropped! I learned that quality content that genuinely helps users is far more effective. Here's what worked for me instead: [Share your successful approach]

3. Offer Actionable Tips

Provide specific, implementable advice that people can use immediately.


Want a quick SEO win? Start by optimizing your image alt texts. Here's how:

  1. Use descriptive file names (e.g., 'red-nike-running-shoes.jpg' instead of 'IMG001.jpg')

  2. Write alt text that accurately describes the image and includes relevant keywords naturally

  3. Keep it concise – aim for 125 characters or less

4. Use Visuals to Illustrate Points

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use diagrams, screenshots, or infographics to explain complex ideas.

Example: [Insert a simple infographic showing the components of on-page SEO]

5. Link to Additional Resources

After providing value, guide interested readers to more in-depth content.


I've covered the basics here, but if you want to dive deeper into advanced SEO techniques, I've written a comprehensive guide on my blog: [Link to your blog post]

By combining these elements, you'll create responses that not only add genuine value but also establish you as a thoughtful expert in your field.

Remember, the goal is to be genuinely helpful first – the rest will follow naturally.

Building a Traffic Funnel

The key is to create a seamless journey from community engagement to your owned platforms.

Here's how:

  1. Community Engagement: Provide valuable insights in your comments or posts.

  2. Blog Content: Link to a relevant blog post that expands on the topic.

  3. Lead Magnet: Within the blog post, offer a high-value lead magnet (e.g., an ebook, checklist, or video series) in exchange for an email address.

  4. Email Nurturing: Continue providing value through email, building trust over time.

  5. Product or Service Offering: Once trust is established, introduce your paid offerings.

This "two steps forward, one step back" approach creates a tension that keeps the audience engaged and moving through your funnel.

The Role of Blog Posts

Blog posts are crucial in this strategy. They serve as a bridge between your community engagement and your lead generation efforts. When you link to a blog post from an online community, you're not just driving traffic – you're inviting people into your world where you have more control over the user experience and can showcase your expertise more comprehensively.

Your blog posts should:

  • Expand on the insights you shared in the community

  • Provide even more value through in-depth analysis, case studies, or step-by-step guides

  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) for your lead magnet

Give Generously, There's More Where That Comes From!

Remember, your unique perspective and experience are renewable resources. By giving generously, you position yourself as a trusted expert and create numerous opportunities for meaningful connections and potential business.

If you're ready to take your blog management to the next level, check out wisp. It's designed to help you efficiently manage your blog on your website, allowing you to focus on creating valuable content and engaging with your audience.

Additionally, our newsletter offers a curated approach to content marketing that's audience-centric and focused on effective distribution. We go beyond just writing good content – we show you how to:

  • Distribute your content effectively across various online communities

  • Write with content distribution in mind from the start

  • Leverage AI in your content creation and distribution process

  • Create a more genuine connection with your audience

  • Draw readers into your ecosystem naturally

Subscribe to our newsletter below if you're looking to make your audience feel that you're more genuine and able to help them. Learn how to create content that resonates and builds lasting relationships with your readers.

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