ContentLayer has been Abandoned - What are the Alternatives?

15 August 2024

ContentLayer has been a popular tool among developers for managing their content seamlessly. However, recent developments have led to its abandonment, leaving many users searching for viable alternatives. Learn the reasons behind its abandonment and explores the best alternatives available to developers.

Reasons for Abandonment

Financial Constraints and Developer Time

As explained by the primary developer, schickling, ongoing maintenance is contingent on sustainable financial backing. The previously generous sponsorship by Stackbit has been scaled down. Schickling mentioned, “I can currently allocate one day a month to the project.” This financial constraint underscores a significant reason for the project's abandonment.

Community Contributions and Reactions

The community has shown immense support, suggesting various funding and contribution models. However, structured community funding has yet to take shape. Developer seancdavis also emphasized the need for community help, stating, “I'd love to see this project continue. We're currently in discussions about the most effective path forward.”

Community Response

Support and Appreciation

Many community members expressed support and appreciation for ContentLayer. Suggestions for creating a community-funded initiative or alternative sponsorship avenues were welcomed. Some members volunteered to help out with maintaining the project by reproducing issues and offering support on Discord.

Exploration and Migration to Alternatives

Due to the uncertainty surrounding ContentLayer's maintenance, several community members have started exploring or migrating to alternatives. Mentioned alternatives include Next MDX, Velite, Sveltekit+mdsvex, Astro, and others.

Exploring the Alternatives

Next MDX

Overview and Key Features Next MDX is highlighted as a current alternative. Known for its straightforward integration and active maintenance, it has become a go-to for many developers transitioning from ContentLayer.

Why it's a Suitable Alternative Next MDX offers support and ease of migration for developers familiar with ContentLayer. Its active development ensures compatibility with newer frameworks and ongoing support.


In-depth Look at Features and Ongoing Development Velite has gained interest because it is actively developed and used in commercial projects. It provides a reliable alternative with features that closely match ContentLayer.

Comparison to ContentLayer Velite ensures long-term viability and offers robust tools for content management, making it a strong contender for those seeking stability.

Sveltekit + mdsvex / Astro

Framework Overviews Both frameworks are mentioned as good alternatives, especially for new projects, offering unique advantages in terms of flexibility and performance.

Comparison to ContentLayer Capabilities Sveltekit + mdsvex and Astro excel in handling new projects with their flexible and performant frameworks, making them ideal for developers starting fresh.

Other Mentioned Alternatives

Brief Overview of Additional Tools Additional tools like MDXTS, Typed MDX, Content Collections, and MarkdownDB were mentioned by the community. Each offers unique features and benefits, providing various options for migration.

Community Forks

Initiative by Timlrx with Contentlayer2 Timlrx's fork, Contentlayer2, aims to solve current issues and foster community contribution. It provides a stop-gap for users dependent on ContentLayer.

Example Issues and Stagnation Indicators

Support for Latest Frameworks

Multiple issues (#575 and #665) highlight users requesting compatibility with newer versions of Next.js, indicating that ContentLayer is lagging in keeping up with newer frameworks.

Documentation Issues

Documentation inefficiencies impact new users and developers trying to integrate ContentLayer into their projects. The ineffective documentation has been a recurring complaint.

Recurring Bugs and Reliability Issues

Significant bug reports like TypeError and peer dependency conflicts indicate stability and reliability issues, affecting the tool's usability.

What's Next?

With ContentLayer's future in question, exploring the mentioned alternatives promises a stable and maintained environment for developers. Each alternative offers unique advantages, ensuring continuity for projects previously reliant on ContentLayer.

Scale beyond flat file solutions with Wisp CMS

Wisp CMS Overview

Wisp CMS is a strong contender with features tailored for modern-day writers and developers. It offers a distraction-free writing environment, supports multiple frameworks, and ensures global content delivery through its advanced Content API and JavaScript SDK.

JS SDK Integration

import { buildWispClient } from '@wisp-cms/client';

export const wisp = buildWispClient({
  blogId: BLOG_ID,

Content API Usage Example


Advantages Over Other CMS

  • User-friendly interface

  • Robust developer tools

  • Optimized global delivery

  • Future-proof with AI-powered suggestions

For those seeking a reliable alternative with comprehensive features, Wisp CMS offers an excellent solution.

Explore the Wisp Blog and documentation to understand how Wisp CMS can be the perfect fit for your content management needs.

Choosing a CMS?

Wisp is the most delightful and intuitive way to manage content on your website. Integrate with any existing website within hours!

Choosing a CMS
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